Urgent request to address and halt the spread of genetically organisms into the environment!

To the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety

Supporting organisations: UCCS, Third World Network (TWN), Test Biotech, Save our Seeds (SOS), Red de Semillas, IFOAM, Greenpeace, GM-Free Cymru, Zukunftsstiftung Landwirtschaft, Global Justice Ecology Project, Gesellschaft für Ökologische Forschung, gene ethics, Gen-ethisches Netzwerk, Friends of the Earth Europe, ENSSER, etc group, ECoropa, EcoNexus, Ecologistas en Acción, Die Bäcker, Dachverband Kulturpflanzen- und Nutztiervielfalt, COAG, Celma, La Confederación de Consumidores y Usuarios, AbL and IG Saatgut

Several examples of the uncontrolled spread of genetically engineered plants into wild populations and ecosystems have been documented: cotton in Mexico, oilseed rape in North America, Japan, Switzerland and Australia and grasses in the USA. There are also cases of repeated transgene presence in landraces or local varieties of crop plants such as maize in Mexico and rice in China.


Agriculture and Climate Change

Real Problems, False Solutions
Helena Paul, Almuth Ernsting, Stella Semino, Susanne Gura & Antje Lorch

Report by EcoNexus, Biofuelwatch, Grupo de Reflexion Rural, NOAH - Friends of the Earth Denmark, and The Development Fund Norway.
Published for COP15 of the UNFCC in Copenhagen, December 2009.

Few would deny that agriculture is especially severely affected by climate change and that the right practices contribute to mitigate it, yet expectations of the new climate agreement diverge sharply, as well as notions on what are good and what are bad agricultural practices and whether soil carbon sequestration should be part of carbon trading.

Reference to Ecoropa members: 
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