May: Annual General Assembly
April: Concordia Award to Freda Meissner-Blau
On 29 April 2015, Honorary President Freda Meissner-Blau received the most prestigious Concordia Award for her lifetime achievements as journalist, Parliamentarian, civil society activist fighting for ecology, democracy, human rights, independence of the media. Christine von Weizsäcker held the laudatio.
October: Whistleblower award for Prof. Gilles-Eric Séralini
Prof. Gilles-Eric Séralini received the Whistleblower award of the Vereinigung Deutscher Wissenschaftler (VDW) and the IALANA. He was honoured for his achievements in researching and revealing the increased risks of the overall chemical package "Roundup" compared to pure "glyphosate" in aqueous solution and the long-term risks that only became apparent in animal feeding trials beyond the 90-day routine test were. Christine von Weizsächker held the laudatio.
January: IPBES 3 and Stakeholder days
Christine von Weizsäcker attended the Stakeholder Days prior to the Third Meeting of the Intergovernmental Panel on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES 3) as well as IPBES 3 itself.
February: „Setting the Course for a World without Hunger"
Christine von Weizsäcke attened the POWA Conference „Setting the Course for a World without Hunger – North-South Dialogue on the Role of the G7" in Berlin
February: „Soils, Food Security, and Sustainable Land Management for Sustainable Development"
Christine von Weizsäcker attended the conference on „Soils, Food Security, and Sustainable Land Management for Sustainable Development" at the Evangelische Akademie Tutzingen
February: Systemic Pesticides
Christine von Weizsäcker participated in strategy meeting on the issue of "Systemic Pesticides".
March: 4th International Convention of Environmental Laureates
Christine von Weizsäcker moderated the Biodiversity Panels and the Roundtable Discussion with Young Talents during the 4th International Convention of Environmental Laureates, organised by the European Environment Foundation in Freiburg.
June: GMO-free Europe. Future Opportunities and Challenges Conference
Participation in GMO-free Europe. Future Opportunities and Challenges Conference, organized by Zukunftsstiftung Landwirtschaft; European GMO-free Regions Network, Danube Soya Association, Landesvertretungen Nordrhein-Westfalen; Hessen und Thüringen; in Berlin.
May: Nurnberg Konvent on the human right for food
Christine von Weizsäcker gave the introduction talk "Konsequenzen aus dem Weltagrarbericht und der Konvention über biologische Sicherheit zur Sicherung der Agrobiodiversität“ at the Nürnberger Konvent für das Menschenrecht auf Nahrung.
May: Ecoropa Annual Meeting and General Assembly
June: 16. Schönauer Stromseminar
Christine von Weizsäcker gave a talk „Wenn vielfältige Talente zusammenarbeiten“ at the 16. Schönauer Stromseminar „Zeitenwende und Atomrenaissance“
August: Internationale Sommer-Universität „The Future of Food Sustainability“
During the International Summer University "The future of Food Sustainability", Christine von Weizsäcker gave a talk on “The Role of Biodiversity for Sustainable Food Systems. Do international negotiations matter?"
September: AG Biodiversität des Forums Umwelt und Entwicklung
Meeting of the Working group Biodiversity of the Forums Umwelt und Entwicklung.
September: European Expert Meeting in preparation of SBSTTA 19
Christine von Weizsäcker participated in the Workshop: "European Expert Meeting in Preparation of the 19th Meeting of SBSTTA of the Convention on Biological Diversity".
November: SBSTTA 19 & Article 8j
Christine von Weizsäcker and other ECOROPA members participated in the 19th meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific Technological and Technical Advice of the Convention on Biological Diversity and in the 9th Meeting of the Open-ended Ad Hoc Working Group on Article 8(j) and related Articles of the Convention on Biological Diversity
November: Deutscher Umweltpreis 2015
Christine von Weizsäcker attended.
November: Post-Neonikotinoid-Symposium
Christine von Weizsäcker participated in the Post-Neonikotinoid-Symposium organized by the VDW and ENSSER.
December: Conference: Governing Biotech 2.0
Christine von Weizsäcker participated in the conference “Governing Biotech 2.0: How Synthetic Biology will Impact Rights, Lievlihoods and Life” and in its panel discussion “Governing/Regulating Synthetic Biology and Genome Editing”. The conference was organized by ETC-Group, Synenergene and the International Union of Foodworkers.

Berlin Memorandum on Sustainable Livelihoods for Smallholders

Input for the Conference “Setting the Course for a World without Hunger – North-South Dialogue on the Role of the G7”

This paper is the result of a consultative process involving experts from diverse backgrounds (civil society, science and the private sector) and five countries (Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Germany and India). It encompasses policy recommendations to the German G7 Presidency and other G7 nations on how to reorient their development policy on food security and agriculture.

Laudatio für Freda Meissner-Blau

Concordia Ehrenpreis 2015

Gerne übernehme ich die Aufgabe Freda Meissner-Blau zu loben. Schon vor 10 Jahren übernahm ich diese Aufgabe bei einer Preisverleihung in Pernegg. Und ich denke, dass sich Dein Lebenslauf und Deine Verdienste, liebe Freda, seither nicht sehr geändert haben. Du bist weiterhin eine wunderschöne, lebendige, brennend interessierte, eigenwillige, eloquente, kontaktfreudige, naturverbundene, welterfahrene, geistreiche und sehr mutige Frau. Von weisshaarig und schon recht alt bist zu zu weisshaarig und – man könnte fast schon sagen – uralt gereift.