May: Meeting "Agriculture"
Agriculture meeting, organized by Joan Davis at the Schweisfurth Foundation, Munich (Germany)
May: Participation in "Earth Charter Campaign"
In the Earth Charter Campaign: Promoting a Peoples Earth Charter for the 21st Century and beyond Ecoropean Christine von Weizsäcker was instrumental in turning the Earth Charter it into a people’s document.
June: Launch of "Earth Charter"
The official launch of the Earth Charter at the Peace Palace in The Hague on June 29, 2000 began the mission to establish a sound ethical foundation for the emerging global society and to help build a sustainable world based on respect for nature, universal human rights, economic justice and a culture of peace.
December: Suport to TRIPS-CBD case
Ecoropa supports the Request to the International Court of Environmental Arbitration and Conciliation for a Dictamen on the Possible Contradictions between TRIPS and the Convention on Biological Diversity by the Spanish environmental NGO Ecologistas en Acción in cooperation between Isabel Bermejo and Christine von Weizsäcker.