Meeting on "Agriculture" and "GATT, EU, NAFTA"
ECOROPA Meeting on "Agriculture" and "GATT, EU, NAFTA", hosted by Helena Norberg-Hodge in Andalusia (Spain)
ECOROPA Meeting on "Agriculture" and "GATT, EU, NAFTA", hosted by Helena Norberg-Hodge in Andalusia (Spain)
Establishment of Setreng Institute of Ecophilosophy
The Setreng Institute of Ecophilosophy, that had existed as a non-profit educational and research centre, located at Singsas, Norway, became a formalised institution on 1 September 1994 with Sigmund Kvaloey Setreng as director. Freda Meissner Blau (ECOROPA President) acted as President of the Board of advisors, while several more Ecoropeans were members.
The Setreng Institute of Ecophilosophy, that had existed as a non-profit educational and research centre, located at Singsas, Norway, became a formalised institution on 1 September 1994 with Sigmund Kvaloey Setreng as director. Freda Meissner Blau (ECOROPA President) acted as President of the Board of advisors, while several more Ecoropeans were members.