June: Reflection Workshop "Peace"
Reflection Workshop on Defence et Promotion de la Paix in La Baume, St. Hippolyte du Fort (France)
May: Submission against arms races to the UN General Assembly
May: ECOROPA submits a resolution to the UN General Assembly, supporting a group of writers from Eastern and Western Europe who met in Berlin to discuss the arms race and steps towards disarmament (Berlin Convention for Peace, 9-15 May 1983).
October: International Water Tribunal
October: International Water Tribunal in Rotterdam, co-initiated by ECOROPA
December: Second Workshop in La Baume
December: second workshop in La Baume

International Water Tribunal

October: Rotterdam (Netherlands)

Berlin Convention for Peace


Defence et Promotion de la Paix

Premiere recontre OIKOS au Mas de la Baume, 17-19 juin 1983
Participants: Edouard Kressmann, Secrétaire général d'Ecoropa Odette Kressmann Henriette Charbonneau Bernard Charbonneau, "père fondateur" de l'écologie en France, respons du Groupe du Chêne Armand Petitjean, responsable de KLIMAS-OIKOS au Mas de la Baume Edward Goldsmith, directeur de "The Ecologist" Janine Delaunay, éditrice de "Halte à la croissance?", responsable de la à Saint-Hippolyte du Fort Docteur Jean Briere, responsable des problèmes de la "Défense" au groupe écologiste de VErts Gérard Balnc, directeut de "Co-Evolution" Elisabeth Lombardi Richard Lombardi, jeune banquier américain qui s'engage dans les mouvement de Paix Jacques Grinevald, cours à Zurich, Lausanne et Genève sur "La Science et la Guerre" Mathias Finger, assistant du départment de science politique à l'Université de Genève

An Ecological Defence Policy for Britain


Is there a coherent ecological defence policy? I have yet to see it. Most members of the Green Party or ecological parties in Europe are quite rightly strongly against nuclear weapons but few have considered exactly what defence policy should be set up in its stead. Some wil l argue that defence is unnecessary (this is fortunately not the case with our Ecology Party) on the principle that the Soviets have nothing to gain by invading the West.