
Is the CBD losing the plot..?

Agricultural Biodiversity in the CBD
Patrick Mulvany

ECO 49 Issue 1 at COP/MOP7

Looking at the agenda of COP/MOP7 and COP12, one wonders if the CBD is losing the plot… and the field, the farm, the pastures, the forests, the fisheries... The lack of explicit focus on actions to sustain biodiversity in the human managed environment – the agricultural biodiversity that dominates terrestrial biomes and is vital in coastal waters – is an indictment of the governance of the Convention and its Protocols.

Reference to Ecoropa members: 

CBD Meetings in Korea

Several Ecoropa members are attending the CBD meetings in Korea: starting with MOP7 of the Cartagena Protocol, followed by COP12 of the Biodiversity Convention, and - paralell with it - the first MOP of the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit Sharing, which comes into force right in the middel of the meetings on 12 October.
The Ecoropa members Christine von Weizsäcker, Ricarda Steinbrecher, Antje Lorch, Helena Paul and Hartmut Meyer - in different functions - work on a range of issues during the meeting as well as edit the daily NGO newsletter ECO.

Green Week: Who owns Biomasse? The inequitable struggle for agricultural resources

Year & Month: 

„Who owns Biomasse? The inequitable struggle for agricultural resources“; , a presentation by Christine von Weizsäcker at the Day of Organic Farming at the Green Week Berlin, followed by a panel discussion with Christine von Weizsäcker, Pat Mooney (ETC-Group) und Felix Prinz zu Löwenstein (BÖLW).


Convention on Biological Diversity - COP10

Year & Month: 

Participation at Tenth Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity including participation in the High Level Segment, co-organisation of press conferences "The Top-Ten Issues of the COP 10 Negotiations" and tnree press conferences on the state of the Access and Benefit-Sharing Negotiations(with CBD Alliance and WECF, TWN and EED), and a strategy meeting on ABS organized by the CBD Alliance and the Japanese Civil Society Network for the CBD.
(COP10) (HM, FM, RS, AL, HP, CvW)


Japan Tour: Preparation for the CBD and Cartagena Protocol meetings in Nagoya

Year & Month: 

Japan Tour in preparation of the Conference of the Parties of the Convention on Biological Diversity in October 2010 in Nagoya (COP-MOP 5 und COP10). At the invitation of Japanese civil society, Christine von Weizsäcker met with parliamentarians of GLOBE, academics, civil society organizations and representatives of industry. She participated in the GLOBE Symposium on Biodiversity, Crop Diversity and COP10, gave the keynote speech at a public event by the Nagoya Univ/Asahi Forum at Asahi Hall, and held a seminar for graduate Students at Depanrtment for Environmental Studies.



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