Ecology - Democracy - Justice

Ecoropa was founded in Geneva in 1976 based on a preceding discourse identifying the following issues of common concern

  • Complex ecological interactions are not adequately addressed by addressing only one dimension of an environmental problem.
  • Democracy and public information and participation are key at local and national levels. They need to be complemented, however, by international cooperation, wherever impacts cross national borders.
  • North-South relations based on respect, fairness and justice are preconditions for long-term successes.

Ecoropa and its members maintained their cooperation throughout the years as a network of networkers on ecological reflection and action addressing emerging issues and emergencies of common concern at the interface between local, national and international levels. The membership varied from 30 – 200 over the years, each of them serving as a provider of information, analysis and contacts within Europe and worldwide.

October 2020

Claus Biegert's new film "Vom Sinn des Ganzen" shows the work and political engagement of Hans-Peter Dürr (1929-2014) as head of the Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics and as prominent figure in the peace movement and in the fight against atomic weapons. It thereby also shows a part of German history.
In October 2020, the film opened the Uranium Film Festival, the annual Atomic Age Film Festival.
Please watch the trailer in German or English and find more information and other films on

May 2019

Ricarda A. Steinbrecher and Elisabeth Bücking are two of the authors of a report on gene drives that covers not only what this new form of genetic engineering is but also it's potential applications and risks, its social and legal issues and questions of ethics and government.
The report was published with a symposium on gene drives and with a website that also features additional resources such as news, webinars and a 15 minute long video.
For more information, see or read Ecoropa's summary of the report