Ecoropa congratulates Prof Jacques Grinevald for receiving the Nicholas-Georgescu-Roegen Award 2015 for his “unconventional thinking”. Our dear Ecoropa member Jacques, for decades, has enriched our discourse on ecology, democracy and justice. It was always a pleasure and inspiration to go beyond the "disaster of the week" debates and follow his erudite and unconventional trails of thought on the map laid out by great thinkers of the past, like Vernadsky and Georgescu-Roegen and the additional mapping taking place in the Anthropocene discourse in which Jacques participates. Since this award is a joy for all Ecoropeans may we thank the jury, consisting of eminent thinkers like Rajendra Pachauri, HermanDaly, John Gowdy, Joan Martinez-Alier, Rajeswari Raina, Marina Fischer-Kowalski and Deepak Malghan, on behalf of Jacques and all of us. We very much appreciate that Jacques Grinevald's work is well received an honoured internationally.
Jacques Grinevald, himself, points to our long, mutual learning process in the early Ecoropa discussions on these still persisting important tasks. In 1980 Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen was among the main speakers of the Ecoropa Symposium “Towards an Ecological Economy” at the University of Kassel, Germany, 18-20.September. Also present were René Passet, Orio Giarini, Josef Huber, Ivan Illich, Edward Goldsmith, Jean-Pierre Dupuy, Manfred Siebker, James Robertson, Robert Jungk, Majid Rahnema, Roslyn Lindheim, Paul Blau
It is an encouragement to learn about the patient, ongoing work that is far from giving in to resignation. Thank you, Jacques. Thank you, Jury.
The Award was publicly announced at the occasion of the 15th Delhi Summit on Sustainable Development 2015 (5-7 February 2015, New Delhi).